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start.net : search engine launched
In order to create additional sources of online advertising impressions for our marketing services customers, we've decided to launch our very own search engine: start.net. Ultimately, we'll have an in-house cost-per-click ad engine and banner services. Stop by and try a search!
NetSprockets allow courtroom.com to quickly update their website
Representing the plaintiff in the Haltom City jail sex abuse lawsuit, courtroom.com has quickly attracted the attention of ABC News Primetime. Using the emphasys press release sprocket, courtroom.com's staff is able to easily update their website with relevant content, keeping their visitors informed of the latest events as they happen.
Local wine lovers! Stop by the Dallas Wine site and take a look. It's just a start, but we'll soon ship a community site for all things wine in the DFW Metrolplex. Ideas and suggestions are welcome.
Emphasys nominated for 2002 Obelisk Awards
Emphasys was nominated for the 2002 Obelisk Awards, which honors businesses in Texas whose support has had a significant impact on the arts and cultural environment. The award ceremony was presented by the Dallas Business Committee for the Arts. Emphasys is proud to be a continuing supporter of the fine arts community, assisting a variety of non-profit organizations in their technology and internet endeavors.
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